
Niv revisions
Niv revisions

niv revisions

The chief goal of every revision to the NIV text is to bring the translation into line both with contemporary biblical scholarship and with shifts in English idiom and usage That means churches don’t have to move over to the new text in one go if they don’t want to – and you can take your own Bible to church and read along easily. Pagination for the new Popular, Lectern, Pocket and Cross-Reference editions matches the previous Pew Bible settings to within one page. We publish an extensive list of Bibles in many sizes and different bindings which are ideal for church, school, individual or ministry use. The translators have carefully assessed a huge body of scholarship, as well as inviting peer submissions, in order to review every word of the existing NIV to ensure it remains as clear and relevant today as when it was first published. There are three main types of change in this revised edition of the NIV Bible, taking into account changes in the way we use language day to day advances in biblical scholarship and understanding and the need to ensure that gender accurate language is used, to faithfully reflect whether men and women are referred to in each instance. It was always the intention of the Committee on Bible Translation that the NIV should change and develop, so in 2011 we were delighted to publish the fully revised and updated NIV Bible. In the meantime, of course, many other Bible translations have been and (in some cases) gone – and both the language we use, and our understanding of the Bible itself, have changed.

niv revisions

CBT continues to meet every year, introducing revisions that will eventually appear in a new edition of the NIV.First published in the UK in 1979, the NIV Bible’s combination of readability and accuracy quickly made it the most popular modern English Bible translation both here and around the world. The revisions we introduced over that time bore fruit in the 2005 Today's New International Version (now withdrawn from publication) and the 2011 NIV. It is immensely stimulating to spend intensive weeks with other biblical scholars discussing the meaning of the text and how best to say it in modern English. I have learned a great deal from my colleagues over the years. Since 2006 I have had the honor of chairing the Committee. Therefore, CBT meets annually to consider ways in which we might be able to maintain the accuracy and clarity of the NIV so that it can meet the needs of a new generation of readers.

niv revisions

At the same time, the English language continues to change, and we want the NIV to speak naturally and clearly to modern speakers of English all over the world. Biblical scholars continue to learn more about the language and world of the Bible, and we want to reflect the best and latest scholarship in the NIV.

niv revisions

But CBT recognizes that Bible translation is never over. It has been the most widely used English Bible since then. The NIV was first published as a complete Bible in 1978 and was revised slightly in 1984. In 1997, I was invited to join the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT), an independent group of fifteen scholars who are responsible for the New International Version of the Bible (NIV). My work in Bible translation is one of the high points of my ministry experience.

Niv revisions